To My CUC Folks
Yet to be Developed
This to Welcome all CUC Freshers to CUC Campus. I hope you will all enjoy visiting this column. I'm yet to develop it. Anybody who has the interest in including his/her picture may do so. For those of u visiting this website I welcome u and hope you keep visiting the site frequently.
Whats happening in CUC!
The Semester began with an orientation to freshers. Serious Lectures began a week later. With lecturerers like Paragon, Monsiuer Christopher, Mr. TChume and Co. busily teaching. And I qoute Mr. Twum 'I am training u to become scholars', 'I am late and so what!'. These are the words of a determined English teacher. The Accounting MAster then goes 'You reap what u sow'. Then goes Paragon 'Do something before you die' he further goes on by saying 'God have mercy'. Then we go to Mr. Feglo who goes like ''ah! ah! ah!' trying to make the microphone work. And this how the semester began on an interesting note. We then had a Gospel Rockshow some few weeks later with renowned Artists such as Cindy Thompson, Rev. Josh Laryea, Mama Justin and so on. It was such an inspiring show. |
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