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This to all my AFS nigga's out there

Shout outs to all of u!

Shout outs to the following people:

Edwina Prah: Eh! So u dey. I miss u pass! Give me those French lyrics once again. Or should I start for you Se wontse wo do.........

Araba E. Abakah-Anaman: First and foremost I would congratulate u for leading Gey Hey to victory. More grease to your elbows and keep up with the good work. Bravo! By the way that cartoon of yours is really Terrific I'll probably post it to Cartoon network.com. Just Kidding!

Edith: Edith! Edith! Edith! Long time! Please don't be scared cos you ain't gonna be next victim. Chill out and be good!

Gifty Ayensua Blankson: For u, I really don't know what to tell you! U dey shock fans waa! Abi u understand! Eh! I heard you were the only one who 8A's in your school. You be shark waaa!!

Asantewaa: 'The Queen Mother of Ejusi herself'. Hi girl! Wassup? Abi things be cool. Hu den havn du den?

Miguel: Alomojata himself. Chale wassup! i miss you pass. Don't worry boy stay cool everything will be just alright.

Dulcie Boateng: Huh! Dulcie for u what do u think I should say? You dey! I guess you're on the messenger. Just holdf on!!

Maame Akosua Dansoa Asiama: Akosua u dey? I here say ridee u turn Roman Sister. Wassupo with that? Anyway stay cool!

Brock: Hey ma nigga what dey happen for there? Give me a few lines of your new rap. I mean the one you made with Da Scoop and the Gang!

Doreen: Maureen and I!! Well! Well! Long tee!! you dey or you night! 'Abeiku' sends his greetings too!!

Maureen: Chale! Give the skele boogies make I see!!
Good That's it!

Joe: Mr. Bonney! What's cooking in the house? On some house Pee!! I here say you release some new rolex. Wassup with that? I hope .........is sourcing.

Alberta: Alberta! wassup is long time you hollered on the groups. If only you're there say AaaaaaHHHH!!!!

Mohammed: Greetings fro Alah almighty. May the peace and love of allah be unto u. So Enterpee r u still give u jig?

Pearl: Thought I've forgotten you. No way girl! Surprised you've forgotten me so soon with over One million clues. Don't worry June is right in the corner.

Sela: I've you're a Queen in the Danish language. Flow me a phrase or two! Dit godt!

Sheryl: Hey wassup girl. Hope you're staying cool. May the peace and love of God be unto you!
Peace yo!!

Clara: What did u say u wanted to be? An Opta.... what! I hear you're in far Alaska freezing in your royal rastafari ni nis off!! Anyway stay cool in the lonely planet.
Priscilla: Hey Prisci wassup! Guess you're having a good time out there! Chill out but don't freeze.
Kweku: Eh! Kweku so all this while u were alive and u never bothered to holla on the groups. Any Comment tu t'appelle? Hope everything is just ok!. U just make me miss those dayz in Camp.
Alexina: Rather on the quite side and very conservative. Well hope uu're taking it easy out there! Stay blessed!
Bernard: Eh! so u dey. All this time where have u been hiding?
Dorothy: Didiblaze!! I just love that name but I guess there's a secret behind that name. Guess u know what I mean. Hey where r u hiding this time. U're not online of-late or you've gone into hibernation for a while.
Jojo: U know ur name really reminds me of this Cartoon cleric by name Mojojojo. Guess u know him. Anyway where were u hiding all this time. It's good to hear from u buddy boy!
And to whovever I've forgotten to mention don't worry I'm still updating the list!

But in all your doings remember the Lord your God and do not depise him. For it says in Proverbs 1:7 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge but FOOLS depise wisdom and instruction."


And to all my AFS fellows welcome back home!!


Hope u all have a great time!!

Tell me, what schools r u going?

I'm going to the Muslim Institute of Technolgy


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Araba Abakah-Anaman

Araba Akakah-Anaman, Former Head Prefect of Wesley Girls High School who is also a student on the AFS programme.

Hi Araba Welcome back home and to Cape Coast.

Hope u had a great time in Cape Coast.

Chill Out!!

Dulcie Simone Boateng
Dulcie Boateng, a former student of Wesley Girls High School, is also on the AFS programme.